Thursday, April 30, 2009

Career goals

  1. One goal that i want is to have a good gpa. I can accomplish that by working hard at school. Another thing could be to always do my work. To have a good relationship with the teachers can also help the grade.
  2. Another career goal is to make money. I just have to chose a career that pays well. A lot of jobs pay well i just have to be good at them. Also high paying jobs also may take a long time at school so i better do good at that
  3. Last another Career goal is to be noticed. I can be a CEO of a company then everyone would know me. Everything pretty much takes hard work especially something like being known. I will also have to be good at what i do i cant just do it

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Carrer philosophy

I can have many philosophy's for my career. One that I need to have is the economical one. I really want to have money to make me and my family happy. Also i want recognition and to have fun with my job. I want a career were people know who I am. I also want to have fun not just do it for the money. So those are some philosophy's for my job.